Tag : Citizenship Bill

2 results were found for the search for Citizenship Bill

BJP Ramps Up Fascist Rhetoric as Election Campaign Draws to a Close

Over the last day on the campaign trail in the run up to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP lived up to the worst expectations of its detractors, unleashing a torrent of Islamophobic war cry in an attempt to whip the public into a panic-driven frenzy, hoping to ensure itself a second term. A […]

Interview with Hafiz Ahmed, who sparked the Miya Poetry Movement in Assam

Hafiz Ahmed is a social activist and a poet who penned “Write Down I Am A Miya,” after Mahmoud Darwish’s “Identity Card.” The poem went viral on Facebook and sparked the Miya poetry movement, which is, as Hafiz Ahmed says, about asserting the demand for rights and dignity of Bengali Muslims in Assam. Sutanaya sits […]