Category : State Repression

78 results were found for the search for State Repression

Stop Criminalising Human Rights Work in Manipur : PUCL

The People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) has issued a press statement condemning the Manipur Police for registering an FIR against a three-women member fact-finding inquiry enquiry team which recently visited various parts of the ethnic violence-hit state of Manipur and reported on the ground situation in the state. The fact-finding team consisted of Annie […]

Manipur : Sedition Charge Imposed on Women Fact-Finding Team

The N. Biren Singh led BJP government in Manipur, in an attempt to suppress its dubious and partisan role in the ethnic clashes between Meities and Kukis in the state, has started criminalising efforts, opinions and views, which exposes its complicity in the violence. To suppress the truth about its complicity to be known to […]

5 Year of Bhima-Koregaon Arrest : Accused Still in Jail Without Trial

It was on this day in 2018 that five activists — Sudhir Dhawale, an activist; Surendra Gadling, a criminal lawyer practising in Nagpur; Shoma Sen, professor and Head of Department, English at Nagpur University; activists Rona Wilson and Mahesh Raut — were arrested by the Pune police  in the caste-based violence that broke out at Bhima […]

Dismantle the structures of sexual violence, NOT the protesters’ tent! – Statement by Civil Society Members

“This parliament belongs to all of us; it belongs to the women of this country, as does their right to demand justice!”   More than 1100 civil society members including activists, academics, lawyers, former civil servants, lawyers etc. have issued a statement condemning the violence unleashed by the government and Delhi police on protesting wrestlers on […]

From Deathly Silence to Violence : The journey of Wrestlers struggling for Justice

PUCL strongly condemns the brutal manner by which the Delhi Police forcibly arrested the women wrestlers today, 28th May, 2023, as they prepared to go from Jantar Mantar where they have been protesting peacefully since 23rd April, 2023, to the ‘Mahila Samman Mahapanchayat’ near the new Parliament Building. Without any sense of respect to their […]

SKM Condemns the Authoritarian Attack on Wrestlers, Farmers and Women

The Delhi police today (May 28) have forcefully detained Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia while they were trying to move towards the new Parliament building for a women’s ‘Mahapanchayat’. After the protesting wrestlers were pushed into prison buses and taken to an unknown location, the police officers began clearing the protest site by removing […]

CDRO condemns the raiding of the homes of social activists in Jharkhand 

COORDINATION OF DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS (CDRO)   PRESS RELEASE  2nd May 2023    Yesterday, the country’s working-class observed May Day; today, Jharkhand witnessed yet another attack  on the working class and the democratic aspirations of the people. In a fresh attack by the BJP-led Central  Government, today in the early morning hours, the homes of […]

রাষ্ট্র যখন সন্ত্রাসবাদী

তবে কি মুসলমানদের বিরুদ্ধে হিংসা, ঘৃণা, বিদ্বেষের যে বাতাবরণ উত্তরপ্রদেশ তথা সারা দেশ জুড়ে অত্যন্ত সুপরিকল্পিত ভাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে তারই ফলশ্রুতি এই জোড়া হত্যাকাণ্ড? তাই কি একই সঙ্গে হিন্দুত্ববাদী জঙ্গি সংগঠনের সদস্য এবং ঘোষিত অপরাধী তিন যুবক স্রেফ বাহবা পেতে, বিখ্যাত হতে এবং দাগী মুসলমানকে খুন করে ‘পুণ্য’ অর্জন করতে চেয়েছে। যে ‘পুণ্য’র ফলে […]

POSCO and JSW project: Stop repression and withdraw the police force from the villages

In a press meet held in Bhubaneswar on 5 April 2023, Prafulla Samantara (National Convenor, Lok Shakti Abhiyan), Prashanta Paik Ray (Spokesperson, Anti-POSCO & Anti-Jindal Movement) and Rabi Das, senior journalist strongly reiterated their earlier demand that both the government of Odisha and India must tender unconditional apology to the villagers in Dhinkia and withdraw […]

Aerial bombings on the Chhattisgarh-Telangana border : genocidal assaults by the state on its own citizens

Aerial bombings have been carried out on the Chhattisgarh-Telangana border. Aerial bombings, in the name of countering Maoist influence, are genocidal assaults by the state on its own citizens. CDRO firmly believes that these aerial bombings, in the name of countering Maoist influence, are genocidal assaults by the state on its own citizens.   COORDINATION […]

Hackers planted evidence on Father Stan Swamy’s computer, says new report.

13 December 2022 Press Release   Father Stan Swamy was arrested, incarcerated, and died based on fabricated evidence, new forensic report shows. The Arsenal Consulting, an internationally renowned digital forensic firm in its recent report states that digital evidence used to arrest senior human rights defender Father Stan Swamy in the Bhima-Koregaon case was planted […]


Forum Against Corporatization And Militarization (FACAM), in a statement, issued on 9th November 2022, condemns in harshest tone, the demolition of houses and attack on villagers of Dhinkia by Corporate-State goons and extends solidarity to their heroic anti- mining struggle against Jindal Steel Work.   On 22nd of October, 2022, according to villagers and activists […]


এ কথা ঠিক, আইন ও আদালত এবং কেন্দ্রীয় এজেন্সির বেড়াজালে তৃণমূল দলটি ও সরকার এখন বন্দি। কিন্তু, বিধাননগরে অনশন আন্দোলনরত চাকরি প্রার্থীদের নির্মমভাবে হঠিয়ে দিয়ে সরকার যে শ্বেতসন্ত্রাসের দৃষ্টান্ত স্থাপন করেছে—আগামি দিনে তা আরও ধারালো হবে। মোদী ভাল, শাহ দুষ্টু কিংবা আরএসএস খারাপ নয়—জপতে জপতে কখন রাজনীতির খেলা ঘুরে যাবে তা বুঝে ওঠা দুষ্কর। এই […]

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Jailed under-trial leader Altaf Ahmad Shah (66) is dead. Shah was a political prisoner, that too from Kashmir. His death is yet another instance of the routine violation of the rights of political prisoners and those arrested under UAPA. The death of Mr. Shah foretells or rather underlines that such chronicles will repeat themselves unless […]

Commemorating the Struggle of Fisherfolk Killed in Police Firing at Sorana in Chilika

29 May marked the 23rd year of brutal atrocity by the state, in which five fisherfolk were killed in a police firing in Chilika in Odisha as the community took to direct action in dismantling illegal prawn gherries.  GroundXero publishes excerpts from Chapter 6 : Chilika Teere from the book Resisting Dispossession: The Odisha Story, written by Ranjana Padhi and […]