Category : News

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দেবাশিস (বাচ্চু) আইচ-কে মনে রেখে…

গ্রাউন্ডজিরো-র অন্যতম প্রতিষ্ঠাতা সদস্য দেবাশিস (বাচ্চু) আইচ, গত ২১ জুন আমাদের ছেড়ে চলে গেছেন। গ্রাউন্ডজিরো ১৩ জুলাই কলকাতার থিওসফিকাল সোসাইটি হল-এ তাঁকে মনে রেখে এক স্মরণসভার আয়োজন করে। সেখানে দেবাশিস আইচের পরিবার, রাজনৈতিক সহকর্মী, সাংবাদিক বন্ধু, গণ আন্দোলনের সাথী সহ বহু মানুষ উপস্থিত হন। তাঁদের স্মৃতিচারণায় উঠে আসে দেবাশিস আইচের চেনা-অচেনা এক বর্ণময় জীবনের টুকরো ছবি। […]

RBI Announces Competition to Help Blind People Identify Banknotes – Something They Could Comfortably Do Before Demonetisation

Visually challenged people have to rely on others or an expensive smartphone device to be able to tell which currency note they’re holding.   By Shyamoli Jana  5 July, 2024   Demonetisation not only killed people, but has also made the lives of blind people harder with the introduction of new currency notes making banknotes […]

Condemn the Fake Encounter Killing of 12 Adivasi Villagers in Gangalloor, Chhattisgarh

Local villagers and activists alleged that the 12 persons killed by security forces in Chhattisgarh were villagers from the nearby Pedia village who were out to gather tendu leaves.   Groundxero | May 13, 2024   On 11th May 2024, twelve Adivasi people in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district, were killed in an encounter by the paramilitary forces of […]

Led by US, Global Military Spending Surged to Record $2.4 Trillion Last Year

The top five biggest military spenders last year—the U.S., China, Russia, India, and Saudi Arabia—accounted for 61% of global military outlays.   JAKE JOHNSON Apr 22, 2024   New research published Monday shows that global military spending increased in 2023 for the ninth consecutive year, surging to $2.4 trillion as Russia’s assault on Ukraine and Israel’s war […]

There Are More Billionaires Than Ever Before: Forbes List 2024

“It is utterly unconscionable that at a time where masses of the world’s population are living in dire poverty, a few individuals are allowed to amass staggering wealth,” said an activist responding to the list.   Groundxero | April 2, 2024   There are more billionaires than ever before. The world has 2,781 people with fortunes exceeding […]

Russia Says 133 Killed in Fiery Attack on Concert Hall Near Moscow

While the attack comes over two years into Russia’s war on Ukraine, an adviser for the Ukrainian president said the neighboring nation “certainly has nothing to do with the shooting/explosions in the Crocus City Hall.”   By COMMON DREAMS STAFF Mar 22, 2024   UPDATE: Russia’s Investigative Committee announced Saturday that the death toll has increased […]

লোকসভা নির্বাচনের আগে এনআরসি-আধার নিয়ে বিভ্রান্তি সৃষ্টি করছ আসাম সরকার: ফোরাম ফর সোশ্যাল হারমনি

Groundxero|20 February, 2024   সম্প্রতি বিধানসভায় আসাম সরকারের পক্ষে মন্ত্রী পীযূষ হাজারিকা এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে বলেন যে, ২৭ লক্ষ লোকের আধার ইস‍্যু করতে হলে সুপ্রিম কোর্টের অনুমতি লাগবে।  মুখ‍্যমন্ত্রীর মুখেও আবার একই রকমের বিভ্রান্তিকর কথা শোনা গেল। গত ৫ বছর ধরে আধার আটকে রেখে এখন নির্বাচনের প্রাক্কালে সরকার বল সুপ্রিম কোর্টে ঠেলে দিয়ে হাত ধুয়ে […]

Over 250 citizens condemn “vindictive witch hunt” of Dr. Harsh Mander by Indian State agencies

Groundxero | 3rd February, 2024   In a press statement, released on 2nd February, 2024, over 250 activists, academicians, lawyers, and concerned citizens expressed solidarity with rights activist and former IAS officer Harsh Mander and condemned the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)’s raids at his home and his office as being part of a “vindictive witch hunt”.   The […]

Kolkata Protest State-Sponsored Display of Majoritarianism by Hindutva Forces

Groundxero Report | 22 Jan 2024   Even as the entire country was overwhelmed by the massive display of brute majoritarianism on the occasion of inauguration of Ram Temple at Ayodhya, in the city of Kolkata, students, right activists, social and political organisations and individuals held several protest programs denouncing the use of the state and […]

Delhi Withholds Rs 7,000 Crore for Paddy Procurement as West Bengal Fails to Display PM Modi’s Photos at Ration Shops

Blocking subsidies meant for the poor and the marginalized to exact political revenge is unethical and reveals the Union government’s anti-working-class and anti-farmer position.   Groundxero Report | 22 Jan 2024   The Narendra Modi-led Union government has decided to withhold the release of Rs 7,000 crore earmarked for the state government in West Bengal […]

SKM call to Intensify Struggles on MSP, Loan Waiver and Privatisation of Electricity

Groundxero | 28th December, 2023   The all-India general body meeting of Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) has called for intensifying struggle of farmers and farm-workers in 2024 to achieve the main demands of Minimum Support Price (MSP) calculated on the basis of C2+50% formula for all crops procurement by the government, freedom of farmers from […]

9 workers including 6 women killed in an explosion at Solar Industries in Nagpur

By Groundxero 17 December, 2023   In yet another deadly industrial accident, nine workers, including six women, were killed and and three others seriously injured in a massive blast at an explosives manufacturing factory in Nagpur district of Maharashtra on Sunday morning. The company was into manufacturing drones and explosives for the armed forces. The blast […]