Category : Farmers' Movement

21 results were found for the search for Farmers' Movement

Farmer Unions to Restart Agitation on Pending Demands; Observe 9th August as “Corporates Quit India Day”

SKM announced that farmer unions will restart agitation on pending demands of guaranteed MSP Law, loan waiver, crop insurance, farmers’ and farm workers pension, rolling back privatisation of power and other demands.   Groundxero | July 15, 2024   In a press release issued by Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on 11th July 2024 at Press Club […]

Modi Guarantees “Vikas for Corporates, Suicide for Farmers” — SKM

Without reversing the pro-corporate agricultural policy, ensuring remunerative price to farmers and minimum wage to farm workers, and announcing loan waiver to free farmers from indebtedness, the Modi Guarantee will only facilitate Vikas for corporates and cause widespread suicides of farmers and farm workers.   Groundxero | April 15, 2024   Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) on […]

SKM demands SC monitored SIT to probe Electoral Bond Scam

The SKM has appealed to the farmers to campaign among the people for Supreme Court monitored SIT to probe Electoral Bond Scam, and demand prosecution of PM Modi, key cabinet members and BJP leadership.   Groundxero | April 8, 2024   The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) in a press release said that the revelations after the […]

Why RSS is Angry with Farmers?

SKM has released a leaflet – Why RSS is Angry with Farmers – as part of its campaign to Expose, Protest, Punish BJP, and to build a bigger movement on its demands. The leaflet appeals to all patriotic forces in India to come together to isolate and expose the divisive ideology of the RSS that spreads […]

SKM Demands RSS to Apologise for Insulting the Farmers’ Movement of India

SKM said the attempt by RSS to vilify the farmers’ struggle is nothing but RSS working as the political agent of the corporate interests and betraying the farmers and workers of India. SKM appeals to the people to understand and rebuff the landlord-corporate arguments being broadcasted by RSS who’s ideology of establishing Hindu Rashtra – […]

Bhagat Singh-Rajguru-Sukhdev Martyrdom Day to be observed as Save Democracy Day from the threat of Money and Muscle power

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) has appealed to all sections of the people including farmers, workers, youth, student and women to observe Bhagat Singh-Rajguru-Sukhdev Martyrdom Day on 23 March as Save Democracy  Day.    Groundxero| March 17, 2024   As per the call issued by the Kisan-Mazdoor Maha Panchayat held at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi on […]

‘Black Day’ Observed Widely Across India to Protest Murder of the Young Farmer Shubhkaran Singh 

Reports of effigy burning, torch light procession and demonstration by farmers to protest murder of the young farmer Shubhkaran Singh received from all the states of India. Workers, student, women and youth widely participated in the protest action reflecting anger among people against state repression of farmers. SKM has called for observing 26 February 2024 as […]

One Farmer Dies of ‘Bullet Injury’, Several Hurt in Tear Gas Shelling, ‘Delhi Chalo’ March on Hold

Shubhkaran Singh, a 21-year-old farmer was killed and several other injured as Haryana police launched a brutal assault on farmers attempting to resume their march towards Delhi.     Groundxero | 21st February, 2024   A 21-year-old farmer was killed of suspected ‘Bullet Injury’ and many others injured in tear gas shelling and firing of rubber bullets by […]

SKM calls Delhi’s proposal on MSP an ‘Eyewash’, an attempt to break the farmers’ movement

SKM has out-rightly rejected the proposal on MSP by the Union Ministers as a complete “eye-wash” and alleged that the Union government is trying to create divisions within the larger farmers’ movement and has made the proposal to sabotage their unity.    Groundxero|19 February, 2024   Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), a platform of over 500 farmer […]

কেন্দ্রের খসড়া প্রস্তাব ‘আই ওয়াশ’, কৃষক আন্দোলনে ভাঙন ধরানোর চেষ্টা: সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে জানাল এসকেএম

১৯ তারিখের অনলাইন সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে এসকেএম-এর তরফ থেকে স্পষ্ট জানিয়ে দেওয়া হয় তাঁরা ফসলের ন্যূনতম সহায়ক মূল্য বিষয়ক কেন্দ্রের খসড়া প্রস্তাবকে একটি সম্পূর্ণ ‘আই ওয়াশ’ বলে মনে করছেন এবং এই প্রস্তাবের সম্পূর্ণভাবে বিরোধীতা করা হচ্ছে।   Groundxero|19 February, 2024   ১৯ জানুয়ারি সংযুক্ত কিসান মোর্চা জরুরি ভিত্তিতে একটি অনলাইন সর্বভারতীয় সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনের আয়োজন করে।  এর কারণ […]

3 Days and Nights of Mass Protest in Punjab against MPs, MLAs and Ministers and leaders of BJP

After the massive spontaneous response and huge participation of farmers and workers in the Grameen Bharat Bandh and Industrial /Sectoral Strike on 16 February, SKM has now decided to immediately intensify the agitation with multiple calls for massive actions in coordination with workers and all other sections of the people.   Groundxero|18 February, 2024   […]

বহরমপুরে পুলিশি আক্রমণের জেরে খেতমজুরের মৃত্যুর নিন্দায় কিষান মোর্চা

পুলিশি আক্রমণে খেতমজুর আনারুল ইসলামের (৫৩) মৃত্যুর তীব্র নিন্দা করল সংযুক্ত কিষান মোর্চা (এসকেএম), কেন্দ্রীয় শ্রমিক সংগঠনগুলির যৌথ মঞ্চ এবং ক্ষেত্রীয় ফেডারেশন ও অ্যাসোসিয়েশন।    Groundxero| 16th February, 2024   মঙ্গলবার বহরমপুরে আইন অমান্য আন্দোলনে খেতমজুর আনারুল ইসলামের (৫৩) মৃত্যুর তীব্র নিন্দা করল সংযুক্ত কিষান মোর্চা (এসকেএম), কেন্দ্রীয় শ্রমিক সংগঠনগুলির যৌথ মঞ্চ এবং ক্ষেত্রীয় ফেডারেশন ও […]

SKM writes to PM, condemns State repression unleashed on ‘Dilli Chalo’ protest

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), which led the historic farmers’ struggle in 2020-21, has strongly condemned the State repression on farmers, and sent a letter to the Prime Minister demanding withdrawal  of forces, ensure the rights of farmers to organise Delhi Chalo protest and resolve the demands of the farmers and workers struggle through discussions. […]

Don’t Treat Protesters as Enemies of the Country: SKM

Groundxero | 12th February, 2024   The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), which led the historic farmers’ struggle in 2020-21 against the three pro-corporate farm laws enacted by the Union government has expressed its strong discontent and anger against the dictatorial manner in which the Modi government is handling the democratic mode of protests of the farmers […]