Category : Communalism

103 results were found for the search for Communalism

ত্রিপুরায় মুসলমান সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের আক্রমণ, পুর ভোটের আগে ধর্মীয় মেরুকরণের প্রচেষ্টা বিজেপির 

আগামী ২৫শে নভেম্বর ত্রিপুরায় পুরভোট, শাসক বিজেপি অনেকটাই ব্যাকফুটে। কিছুদিন আগে শেষ হওয়া এডিসি নির্বাচনে তিপ্রা মথার কাছে পরাজিত হতে হয়েছিল তাঁদের। এই অবস্থায় দুর্গাপূজায় বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর আক্রমণ এবং মন্দির ভাঙ্গার ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করে ত্রিপুরায়  মুসলমান সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর সমপ্রতি হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের আক্রমণ বিজেপির ধর্মীয় মেরুকরণের রাজনীতিকে জাগিয়ে তোলার পরিকল্পনাই মনে হচ্ছে। কারণ উগ্র জাতীয়তাবাদ […]

Several organisations and activists demand swift and urgent action against Hindutva groups in Mangalore

The recent decision by St Aloysius Institutions, to name a park in one of their institution premises, in the outskirts of Mangalore city, after Jesuit priest and tribal rights activist Father Stan Swamy, has come in for opposition from right-wing groups like Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal.   […]

The bogey of ‘Love Jihad’

Recently, a Bishop from Kerala directly accused Muslims for making ‘Catholic’ girls in the State, victims of ‘love and narcotic jihad’; on 10 September the CM of Gujarat (who has since resigned for other reasons) said that his Government is “dealing strictly with those who trap Hindu girls and elope with them.” Both the Bishop […]

Over 150 eminent citizens condemn attempts to intimidate and hound Javed Akhtar and Naseeruddin Shah

On Tuesday, over 150 citizens from all walks of life have issued a press statement extending unequivocal support to poet-lyricist Javed Akhtar and actor Naseeruddin Shah and have strongly condemned the hounding and attempts to intimidate them for expressing their views on the Taliban issue. Both Akhtar and Shah have drawn flak from different quarters […]

Hinduising Adivasi society under Hindutva-umbrella

This article authored by Fr. Stan Swami and originally published in Praxis Review is being re-published in his memory.    “Without awakening Vanvasis, Bharat cannot become Vishwa-Guru” “Awaken hindutva, make Bharat Vishwa-Guru” … so spoke Mohan Bhagwat the RSS Chief in Ranchi on 14 March 2014 at the completion of 25 years of Ekal Vidyalayas […]

মন্দিরে গোমাংস রাখা নিয়ে শান্তিপুরে সাম্প্রদায়িক উত্তেজনা : তথ্যানুসন্ধান রিপোর্ট

রাজ্যে সাম্প্রদায়িক ভাগ-বাঁটোয়ারার প্রচেষ্টা অব্যাহত। সমগ্র নির্বাচন পর্ব জুড়েই সাম্প্রদায়িক বিদ্বেষমূলক প্রচার, বিভাজনের রাজনীতির প্রকটভাব আমরা লক্ষ করেছি। মন্দিরে বা মসজিদে ধর্ম-নিষিদ্ধ পশুমাংস ফেলে দাঙ্গা লাগানো সাম্প্রদায়িক সংগঠনগুলির এক শতাব্দী প্রাচীন ষড়যন্ত্রমূলক কুকর্মপদ্ধতি। ১৫ মে ২০২১ তারই এক স্পষ্ট লক্ষণ দেখা গেল নদিয়া জেলার শান্তিপুরে। পুলিশ-প্রশাসনের সময়োচিত দ্রুত পদক্ষেপের জন্য পরিস্থিতি আয়ত্তের বাইরে যায়নি। ১৯ […]

সাম্প্রদায়িক মেরুকরণের রাজনীতিকে রুখতেই হবে

বিজেপি এখন ৭৭টি আসন নিয়ে দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম দল বাংলায়। ফলে নিজেদের সাময়িক হতাশা কাটিয়ে দাঁতনখ বের করে মেরুকরণের রাজনীতির বীজ বুনতে বুনতে যাবে। এখন দেখার বাংলার সম্প্রীতির ঐতিহ্য দিয়ে বাংলার মানুষ কতটা এর বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করতে পারে। ক্ষমতায় আসীন মমতা সরকার গত দশ বছরের স্বৈরাচারী নীতি দিয়ে জনগণের উপর আবার রোলার চালাতে থাকলে যে ক্ষোভ […]

Fact Finding Report on Telinipara Communal Violence (2020): What was Lost on the River Side

The communal violence in Telinipara in Hooghly district of West Bengal occurred amidst the raging pandemic during the lockdown in early May 2020. Everyone knows there was unrest, conflict and communal violence. But what had actually happened in Telinipara? What triggered the violence, and what are its immediate and far-reaching effects? This is the second […]

Fact Finding Report on Telinipara Communal Violence (2020): Those Who Set the Fire

The communal violence in Telinipara in Hooghly district of West Bengal occurred amidst the raging pandemic during the lockdown in early May 2020. Everyone knows there was unrest, conflict and communal violence. But what actually happened in Telinipara? What triggered the violence and what are its immediate and far-reaching effects? This is the second report […]

Conversation with Shri Krishna Matlog at RSS headquarters

In January 2020, a two member team from Aamra (a study group on Conflict and Coexistence), visited RSS headquarters at Nagpur. This part of the report is about their conversation there with Shri Krishna Matlog, a RSS Pracharak, who had spent several years in Eastern India, including West Bengal.   Conversation with Shri Krishna Matlog […]

Visiting Hedgewar Museum at RSS headquarters — A report

In January 2020, a two member team from Aamra (a study group on Conflict and Coexistence), visited the RSS headquarters at Nagpur. This part of the report on the visit is about their experience and interaction with the guide, at the Hedgewar museum located inside the headquarters.   2. At RSS headquarters   It was […]

Visiting the RSS headquarter — A report (Part 1)

It is important to know how deadly the nature of RSS is. It is also important to understand the theory of the RSS’s Hindutva project and the reality of its implementation on ground. ‘Amraa EK Sacheton Proyas’ (We — A Conscious Effort) — a study group on Conflict and Coexistence, has been working for more than a decade […]

Fact Finding Report on Telinipara Communal Violence (2020): Riot-Victims Shelter Camps

The communal violence in Telinipara in Hooghly district of West Bengal occurred amidst the raging pandemic during the lockdown in early May 2020. Everyone knows there was unrest, conflict and communal violence. But what actually happened in Telinipara? What triggered the violence and what are its immediate and far-reaching effects? This is the second report […]

“Our priority is to defeat the communal force of BJP” : A Report from Bihar

The first phase of the Bihar assembly elections began today (28 October). 71 assembly constituencies, having 243 seats, are involved in this process. A Groundxero representative visited several villages in the Bikram, Paliganj and Arwal constituencies, and tried to reach out to different communities in order to get an overview of the public opinion.   Katrahi, Bikram […]

Fact Finding Report on Telinipara Communal Violence (2020): Face- To-Face With Tears and Sufferings

The communal violence in Telinipara in Hooghly district of West Bengal occurred amidst the raging pandemic during the lockdown in early May 2020. Everyone knows there was unrest, conflict and communal violence. But what actually happened in Telinipara? What triggered the violence and what are its immediate and far-reaching effects? This is the second report […]