Category : Communalism

103 results were found for the search for Communalism

Communal Violence in Nuh: A Fact Finding Report

On July 31, 2023 communal violence erupted in Nuh, a predominantly Muslim district, and soon spilled over to parts of Gurgaon, Sohna, Badshahpur and Pawal areas in Haryana. The violence erupted after a religious procession – Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra – organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad and its youth wing, the Bajrang Dal, was allegedly […]

Stop Funding Media that Air Hateful or Genocidal Content: IIM-B Faculty Members To Corporate India

Groundxero | 8 August, 2023   Nearly 20 current and retired faculty members at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore wrote an open letter in their personal capacity to the leaders of corporate India, appealing them to stop funding any and all news and social media organizations that publicly air hateful or genocidal content against […]

Supreme Court seeks status report on action taken against lynchings

Groundxero | 11 July, 2023   The Supreme Court on 10 July, 2023, has sought responses from the Centre and State Governments to file a detailed status report on what they have done so far to punish lynchings, mostly spurred by communal hate, in accordance with its judgment dated 17 July, 2018 in Tehseen Poonawala […]

What’s behind the communal flare up in Purola, a report by Uttarakhand Mahila Manch

A multi-layered discriminatory public campaign led by certain groups such as Bajrang Dal, VHP for the last few months and continuing till date have been systematically targeting the Muslim community in Uttarakhand. During the course of these campaign they has used terms like “Vyapar Jihad” (Business Jihad), “Love Jihad,” and “Land Jihad” to instigate fear […]

‘Hussains’ in India are Not Safe; USA can’t be their Saviour

While the USA media, senators and Obama need to be reminded that the imperialist USA state is the largest violator of human rights worldwide and need to be bluntly told that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones on other’s windows, the fact is that the ‘Hussains’ in India are not safe; the […]

Stop targeted communal violence and exodus of minority Muslim community : PUCL Petition to CJ, Uttarakhand High Court

Groundxero | 14 June, 2023   A multi-layered discriminatory public campaign led by certain groups such as Bajrang Dal, VHP for the last few months in Uttarakhand and continuing till date have been systematically targeting the Muslim community. During the course of these campaign the groups has used terms like “Vyapar Jihad” (Business Jihad), “Love […]

ঘৃণার যাত্রাপথ: ধর্মীয় শোভাযাত্রা যখন দাঙ্গা বাঁধানোর অস্ত্র

“এ রিপোর্ট বাই সিটিজেন অ্যান্ড লইয়ার্স ইনিশিয়েটিভ, রুটস অফ র‍থ্ (Routes of Wrath), ওয়েপনাইজিং রিলিজিয়াস প্রসেশন, কমিউনাল ভায়োলেন্স ডিউরিং রামনবমী অ্যান্ড হনুমান জয়ন্তী (এপ্রিল ২০২২)” শীর্ষক এই রিপোর্টে বিস্তারিত ভাবে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে কীভাবে দাঙ্গা বাঁধে, বলা যাক বাঁধানো হয়; দাঙ্গার নেপথ্যভূমি কী, পুলিশ-প্রশাসনই-বা কী ভূমিকা নেয়, কারা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয় সবচেয়ে বেশি আর মিডিয়াই-বা কী […]

দুই শাসক দলের ক্ষমতা দখলের প্রতিযোগিতাতেই কি এ রাজ্যে হিংস্র হয়ে উঠছে রামনবমী?

এ রাজ্যে সামনেই পঞ্চায়েত ভোট, ২০২৪ সালে দেশে লোকসভা ভোট। ২০২৩ সালে এ রাজ্যে বিজেপি-আরএসএসের হাজারেরও বেশি রামনবমী যাত্রার আয়োজন যে হিন্দু ভোটকে সংহত করার লক্ষ্যে সে বিষয়ে সন্দেহ নেই। তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস যেন সেই রাজনীতির অঙ্ককেই শিরোধার্য করে ঘৃণার যাত্রাপথের পথিক হয়ে উঠেছে। এই দুই শাসক দলের উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষার ফলেই কি এ রাজ্যে রামনবমী রক্তাক্ত হয়ে […]

Censorship on Film Screenings by the Ravenshaw University 

Protests by RSS student wing ABVP have forced Ravenshaw University in Cuttack to drop from its ongoing film festival two documentaries, one of them Shabnam Virmani’s ‘Had Anhad’ on Kabir and his views about Ram and the other Debalina Majumder’s ‘Gay India Matrimony’ on samesex marriage. It is learnt that once the organisers of the […]

Two years after the riots in Delhi, how are its victims?

A report by Mohit Ranadip and Subha Protim.   On 25th, 29th and 30th March of 2022, we went to North-east Delhi’s Shiv Vihar, on behalf of Aamra Ek Sachetan Prayas. We wanted to interact and converse with riot-victims of Delhi, who were at the receiving end of the ghastly riot that happened in February […]

In the Face of Orchestrated Hatred, Silence Is Not an Option

In the wake of alarming developments in India, senior journalists and media persons from all over India, have issued this Collective Appeal to all Constitutional Institutions in India. The names of all signatories are listed at the end of the appeal.   March 23, 2022 Wednesday   An Appeal to India’s Constitutional Institutions   As […]


The Anti-Conversion law, ironically officially called Freedom of Religion Act, has become a justification for the persecution of the minorities and other marginalized identities.  The attacks on the minorities grew sharply in recent years since this law was used as a weapon targeting the dignity of Christians and Muslims particularly belonging to Adivais, Dalits and women.   New […]

Swiggy Delivery Partner Denies to Deliver Beef in Kolkata: A Personal Experience  

In the recent years, much of Hindutva politics has revolved around what might be termed as a kind of “culinary fascism.” Such forms of culinary fascism manifest itself often through prohibitions around food, the most horrific examples of which are the instances of lynching of Muslim men, often committed through a criminalization of beef consumption, […]