Category : Commentary

280 results were found for the search for Commentary

Surrendering to Authoritarianism

Liberal institutions, including universities, traditionally surrender without a fight to the dictates of autocrats. Ours are no exception.   CHRIS HEDGES March 24   I was not surprised when Columbia University’s interim president Katrina Armstrong caved to the demands of the Trump administration. She agreed to ban face masks or face coverings, prohibit protests in academic buildings and create […]

হিমালয়-লাগোয়া উত্তরবঙ্গে জমি লুটের বিরুদ্ধে সম্ভাব্য প্রতিরোধ আন্দোলনের অভিমুখে

ভারত সরকারের নীতি পরিবর্তনের সঙ্গে তাল মিলিয়ে এ রাজ্যের অর্থাৎ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারও ক্রমাগত নিজেদের বাগিচানীতি ও ভূমিনীতি বদলাচ্ছেন। ‘সামাজিক পরিকাঠামো ও পরিষেবা’র নামে জমি নিয়ে ফাটকাবাজি ও রিয়েল এস্টেটের প্রোমোটারি ব্যবসাকে আইনি বৈধতা প্রদান করা হচ্ছে।   সৌমিত্র ঘোষ March 22, 2025   হিমালয়-লাগোয়া উত্তরবঙ্গের জেলাগুলিতে গত বিশ-পঁচিশ বছর ধরে অবাধ জমিলুঠ বা জমিদখল (ল্যান্ড […]

The American Coup

Trumpism does not signify the midpoint of US imperial decline or even its late stage, it is the dumpster fire of its wreckage.   Groundxero | March 11, 2025   Chris Hedges has described Trumpism as an authoritarian cult which seeks to restore the United States to the status of a world hegemon, but whose policies are […]

Trump’s War on Education

Trump’s assault on education comes out of the playbook used by all authoritarian regimes.   CHRIS HEDGES March 11   The attacks on colleges and universities — Donald Trump’s administration has warned some 60 colleges that they could lose federal money if they fail to make campuses safe for Jewish students and is already pulling $400 million from Columbia University — has […]

Over 1,000 dead as Western-backed HTS regime in Syria escalates massacre of Alawites

The NATO powers and their pseudo-left advocates, who claim that Islamist jihadists hostile to basic democratic rights have led a “democratic revolution” in Syria, share responsibility for these massacres. They hailed the coming to power last December of the Islamists they had backed since 2011 in the war for regime change, in order to undermine […]

Trump’s Christian Fascists and the War on Palestine

Christian extremists in America bond with Jewish extremists in Israel not over religion but a shared fascism. Fascism can only be defeated with a rival militancy — a militancy communists, anarchists and socialists in the 1930s exhibited — one that offers an alternative vision and does not compromise with despotic power.   CHRIS HEDGES March […]

Germany: Election Results and What Do They Mean

AfD has fed herself on economic challenges, anti-immigration sentiments, and growing skepticism about providing military aid to Ukraine – predicting to even do better, if the upcoming coalition will go against the people’s will of spending more money for armament and lesser for social expenditure.    By Navneet Pal Groundxero | March 10, 2025   Germany has […]

The Rise of the Right Worldwide and How to Explain It

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Western powers declared the victory of capitalism over socialism. The Western capitalist countries believed they had defeated fascism on the right and socialism on the left, assuming Western-style liberal democracy had no challenger only to sow the seeds of rightwing hooliganism, even fascism, by applying […]

An alliance based on genocide and misogyny: Pakistan and Turkey’s brotherhood

As Pakistan and the Turkish state continue to strengthen their war alliance, it is necessary that those fighting for their freedom also strengthen their alliances at the political, military and diplomatic levels.   By Members of the internationalist commune of Rojava Groundxero | Feb 23, 2025   On February 12th and 13th, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif […]

The Mafia State

First we got a mafia economy. Then we got a mafia state. We must rid ourselves of the ruling criminal class or become its victims.   By Chris Hedges Feb 15, 2025   Kiss the ring. Grovel before the Godfather. Give him tribute, a cut of the spoils. If he and his family get rich you […]

The Empire Self-Destructs

We share the pathologies of all dying empires with their mixture of buffoonery, rampant corruption, military fiascos, economic collapse and savage state repression.   By Chris Hedges The billionaires, Christian fascists, grifters, psychopaths, imbeciles, narcissists and deviants who have seized control of Congress, the White House and the courts, are cannibalizing the machinery of state. […]

Why Resistance Alone Will Fail

Without organizing the working class under a shared vision and demand for a more fair and just society, we will remain largely powerless to stop the Trump-led takeover by the billionaire oligarchy.   By Les Leopold Feb 13, 2025   Trump and Musk are stirring up a resistance movement among liberals and the left. The […]

Genocide: The New Normal

Israel and the U.S. government will continue the genocide in Gaza for many months until the Palestinians are annihilated or driven from their homeland and Greater Israel is consolidated.   CHRIS HEDGES JAN 6   Joe Biden’s parting gift of $8 billion in weapons sales to the apartheid state of Israel acknowledges the gruesome reality of the genocide in Gaza. This […]

How Fascism Came

America’s democracy was destroyed by the two ruling parties who sold us out to corporations, militarists and billionaires. Now we pay the price.   By CHRIS HEDGES 23 DEC   For over two decades, I and a handful of others — Sheldon Wolin, Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Barbara Ehrenreich and Ralph Nader — warned that the expanding social inequality and steady erosion […]

Iran: hijab ‘treatment clinics’ echo historical use of mental illness to control women

Women’s choice to not wear a headscarf is presented to the public as a symptom of mental illness, such as an “antisocial personality disorder”, “histrionic disorder” or “bipolar disorder”.    By Daanika Kamal, Royal Holloway University of London   The opening of a “hijab removal treatment clinic” to “offer scientific and psychological treatment” for Iranian […]